Thursday, July 7, 2011

A new venture

If you know me well, then you understand how little extra time I have to put towards anything new.  I am a real estate agent AND a full time mom.  Tim and I switch out...when he gets home, I go to that way we don't have to pay out babysitter too often.  BUT, I came across something that I could not pass up.  I will make time for this, because this is to better my health, my family's health, and to help others do the same.  (...and please note the pictures of Sophia are for your entertainment...) HA!  

I'm sure many of you have heard of HERBALIFE, but you may not realize how amazing the products are.  Tim's brother and sister-in-law, Ben and Kacey, actually introduced us to Herbalife's products when we visited them in Orlando, and over the past month I have become a believer in its health benefits.

The Company:
Herbalife a global nutrition company that has helped people pursue a healthy, active life since 1980. Their nutrition, weight-management and personal care products are available exclusively through the more than 2.1 million independent Distributors in 75 countries.
They support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children in need. Herbalife also sponsors world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including the LA Galaxy, FC Barcelona soccer clubs, and more.

The focus of the company: 
The main focus of Herbalife is a personalized nutrition plan for each individual based upon his/her particular goals.  There is literally something for everyone- even babies and children.  Whether you are looking to lose weight, maintain your weight, gain weight, or just gain more energy and improve your overall health, there are products for each plan.  And the basis of these plans are Herbalife's Nutritional Shakes.  These shakes are packed with all the essential vitamins, minerals, and protein that you would need for one meal, so it serves as a meal replacement if you are trying to lose weight (and there are 7 different flavors).   

This is an interesting approach and makes so much sense to me to have an actual meal replacement, rather than a supplement.   Me personally, I don't need to lose weight, but I'm not the healthiest person in the world.  And I desperately need energy to keep up with Sophia.  So I do one shake a day in the mornings, along with my breakfast.  You can make the shakes on the go by just adding water, or you can make them in a blender if you prefer to add fresh or frozen fruit, ice, etc., which Tim and I do.  But the shakes are only PART of Herbalife's nutritional products.  Another product that I LOVE is the Aloe Water Concentrate.  This is particularly for digestive health.  Those with stomach problems, indigestion, and reflux would greatly benefit from the Aloe's natural healing properties.  It comes in regular or mango flavor, but you just add a few capfulls to your water, or you can mix it in with your shake.  It's also great for you skin.   I love it and so does Sophia.  WIth all of her past reflux problems, I knew this would be great for her.  I add it to her water cup and she loves the taste.  It's a great flavorful alternative to the sugary apple juice.      

There are also personalized nutrition plans for 7 categories: Digestive Health, Healthy Aging, Women's, Men's, and Children's Health, Heart Health, Stress Management, Immune Solutions, Nutrition for 7 vital organs, Personal Care/Outer Nutrition, and Energy and Fitness.  

Herbalife uses the highest research, development, and manufacturing, including the finest raw ingredients.  Herbalife's Nutritional Advisory Board participates in sponsored, innovative university research worldwide.  
A couple of great facts:
  • Herbalife is listed on the NYSE (new york stock exchange)
  • One of the members on Herbalife's Nutrition Advisory Board won a Nobel Peace Prize- Dr. Lou Ignarro
  • David Beckam (we all know who he is, lol) and his soccer team take the products and wear the Herbalife logo on their jersey's.  
  • Herbalife did over 4 billion in sales last year alone.
  • The company has existed for 30 years.

Herbalife's Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world.

Why I got started:
Thanks to Ben and Kacey, Tim and I actually receive the nutrition we want and need but never had time for in the past.  Now we both drink at least 1 shake a day, and I personally can tell a difference when I miss my Herbalife routine.  Since we really did LOVE the shakes and were taking them everyday, I thought, why don't I just sign up to be a distributor and get the automatic 25% discount!  So I did!  BUT being the business minded person that I am, I started looking into the business model.  I did all of my own research - through non Herbalife websites - and came to the conclusion that Herbalife's business model is ingenious.  I explained everything to my very skeptical husband, and here I am..with him on board!

Referring back to my billeted facts....Herbalife was able to sell over 4 billion worth of products last year and has been a strong company for 30 years because of it's products.  They work! ...and people love them.  Who doesn't want a healthier lifestyle made easy?

So... if you are interested in achieving your nutritional goals in a simply and very affordable way, you can email or call me.  I can help you set up a personalized plan to meet your objectives.  OR if you are interested in the business aspect of the company, I would be more than happy to give you a rundown of everything.  This post has only scratched the surface of what all Herbalife has to offer, so visit my website to learn more about the nutritional products.  

my e-mail address is if you prefer to e-mail me.  

I look forward to writing more soon!  We love you all!

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