Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Too much to type

Soo much is going on in our lives, but there is way too much to type.  So, you can gather from the pictures that we are doing great!  P.S.  Sophia will be 16 months in 5 days...hellloooo....oh. my.gosh.  I will try to type an update on the goings-on in the lives of the Rice clan, soon. 

Here we go,
Revolving around Sophia, our Angel.

Friday, August 5, 2011

HP are you with me!

And so my reading journey of Harry Potter has begun.  I don't like fantasy, or much fiction really, but i'm totally into HP.  I am starting the 3rd book today...Prisoner of Azkaban.  Sooo excited!  After finishing my 4th graduate course, I decided to take a LONG break.  I will pick up my 5th course before next April (or i will be dropped from my program).  But this break is sooo nice...I can actually read for pleasure, instead of a textbook.  And not to mention, waay less stress on me.  My goal is to read each book in 1 week...so far so good.  

We have had several visitors the past couple of weeks, which was great!  We love having visitors...mainly because it makes us "deep clean" our entire house, haha!

Sophia is doing great...eating and sleeping so well, and is sooo happy during the day.  She understands so much spanish too, it's adorable.  She is soo much fun!  Real estate is going really well for me, and Tim starts law school in 2 weeks!  Busy, busy, busy our household will be

Monday, July 25, 2011

Preparing for Law School

Tim here... How goes it everyone..?

By "preparing for law school," I more closely mean "figuring out the best way to commute to downtown Baltimore while considering parking fees, gasoline, valuable time, safety, etc."  So, on this rainy, melancholy day, I decided to try the Light Rail.  For those unfamiliar with public transit mechanisms, Light Rail is basically a subway above ground.  Like cable cars but faster??  I don't know... Anyway, I drove 15 minutes to the airport (BWI), the nearest Light Rail station to our house.  As soon as I exited the car, I saw the train approaching.  Should I rush through the large drops of windy rain, leaving my book bag and umbrella and try to make it before the doors slam on and embarrass me?  Nah.  I'll just catch the next one because surely it'll be here soon.   After all, I don't feel like getting wet, and today is just a trial run.

THIRTY MINUTES LATER....!!!! ..the next train approaches.  I'm kicking myself for not rushing to the previous train.  I've now spent 45 minutes on my commute and I'm not even halfway to my destination.  Had I driven, I would have been there in under 30.  Okay, that's fine.  NOT gonna lose my patience yet.  Mind you, I was thinking all along that the trip to my stop (University Center/Baltimore Street) would take no more than 15 minutes.  I'm used to my route in DC that took me from Union Station to Dupont Circle- five minutes.  So, it turns out, my route from BWI to University Center takes a standard, whopping THIRTY-TWO MINUTES. No way, Jose.  There's no point in this.  I finally make it to my stop, after 32 minutes of dodging rain drops falling from the stellar ceiling above.  Now I must walk to my building.  No trouble there.  I enjoyed not having to drive through downtown traffic and hopelessly find a parking spot, then resort to paying $8 in a parking garage.  Never mind the fact that the 10 minute walk to the school brought my one-way commute to a striking  one hour and twenty-seven minutes.  (pardon me while this thought and the germs from the train make me vomit)

So I did my business at the university, dodging the tourists, homeless people, doctors, nurses and other professionals to drop off some paperwork at the Law School.  Now I'm headed back to the Light Rail station, having no idea when the next train will show up.  But I'm in luck this time!  As soon as I turn the corner of Baltimore and S Howard, the train met me at a slow speed coming to a stop just 10 feet ahead.  YES!  I get to cut down 30 minutes of wait time on my way home!

WRONG.  I mistakenly got on the wrong train - the route which bypasses BWI altogether - and found myself in Glenn Burnie, staring at the map and reflecting how stupid I am.  Who knew that two different routes went through my station??  Well, apparently everyone but me.  What happens next?  You guessed it.  Thirty minutes of waiting, sitting in my seat until the train took off in the opposite direction.  After two stops I deboard, wait 10 minutes for the BWI train, board, spend 10 minutes en route, then finally reach my car.  Fifteen minutes later, I round off a return trip which was supposed to beat the first trip but instead lasted an hour and forty-five mintues, 18 minutes longer.

Suffice it to say that beginning Aug 22nd, I'm leaning towards driving to class.

Awesome gadget

I am reading again!  I forgot about this gadget for awhile, because I have had NO time to read.  Now, I have some free time, and my trusty kindle serves me perfectly.   

Monday, July 18, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

I. have. been. so. busy.  But it's good!  Tim has been staying home with Sophia for the past week...which has really helped save money on babysitting.  I have worked the past 7 days in a row, and I'm pretty beat.  But that's the name of the game in real estate....no 8-5, monday through friday.  But I love it!

And what has made this easier is Sophia's new sleeping habits (crossing fingers not to jinx it!).  She has been sleeping around 13 hours straight..thank the Lord! 7:30-8:45 or 8-9ish. Last night was about 8-8. I never thought this day would come. I finally feel rested.   Let's keep it up, Sophia Hayden!

Helping daddy wash the car

or just pouring the soap and water out

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nature's Raw Guarana- A Natural Energy Boost

An awesome Herbalife product for those that want to cut back on the coffee a bit, but still depend on engery boosts throughout the day.  

Get a natural pick-me-up from N-R-G.  It is infused with guarana, an ancient, Amazonian seed with properties similar to caffeine.  N-R-G boosts your energy naturally, while helping improve your mental alertness.  This also comes in a tea that you can drink hot or cold. 

You can order this at www.shopherbalife.com/hrice.  It is $15.95 for a bottle of 60 tablets.  
Email me if you have any questions- haleigh.rice1@gmail.com

I'm 14 months today!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Sophia LOVES playing outside...she already cries and throws a fit when it's time to come in.  She would sleep outside if we let her.  

I couldn't pick a favorite.....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A new venture

If you know me well, then you understand how little extra time I have to put towards anything new.  I am a real estate agent AND a full time mom.  Tim and I switch out...when he gets home, I go to work...so that way we don't have to pay out babysitter too often.  BUT, I came across something that I could not pass up.  I will make time for this, because this is to better my health, my family's health, and to help others do the same.  (...and please note the pictures of Sophia are for your entertainment...) HA!  

I'm sure many of you have heard of HERBALIFE, but you may not realize how amazing the products are.  Tim's brother and sister-in-law, Ben and Kacey, actually introduced us to Herbalife's products when we visited them in Orlando, and over the past month I have become a believer in its health benefits.

The Company:
Herbalife a global nutrition company that has helped people pursue a healthy, active life since 1980. Their nutrition, weight-management and personal care products are available exclusively through the more than 2.1 million independent Distributors in 75 countries.
They support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children in need. Herbalife also sponsors world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including the LA Galaxy, FC Barcelona soccer clubs, and more.

The focus of the company: 
The main focus of Herbalife is a personalized nutrition plan for each individual based upon his/her particular goals.  There is literally something for everyone- even babies and children.  Whether you are looking to lose weight, maintain your weight, gain weight, or just gain more energy and improve your overall health, there are products for each plan.  And the basis of these plans are Herbalife's Nutritional Shakes.  These shakes are packed with all the essential vitamins, minerals, and protein that you would need for one meal, so it serves as a meal replacement if you are trying to lose weight (and there are 7 different flavors).   

This is an interesting approach and makes so much sense to me to have an actual meal replacement, rather than a supplement.   Me personally, I don't need to lose weight, but I'm not the healthiest person in the world.  And I desperately need energy to keep up with Sophia.  So I do one shake a day in the mornings, along with my breakfast.  You can make the shakes on the go by just adding water, or you can make them in a blender if you prefer to add fresh or frozen fruit, ice, etc., which Tim and I do.  But the shakes are only PART of Herbalife's nutritional products.  Another product that I LOVE is the Aloe Water Concentrate.  This is particularly for digestive health.  Those with stomach problems, indigestion, and reflux would greatly benefit from the Aloe's natural healing properties.  It comes in regular or mango flavor, but you just add a few capfulls to your water, or you can mix it in with your shake.  It's also great for you skin.   I love it and so does Sophia.  WIth all of her past reflux problems, I knew this would be great for her.  I add it to her water cup and she loves the taste.  It's a great flavorful alternative to the sugary apple juice.      

There are also personalized nutrition plans for 7 categories: Digestive Health, Healthy Aging, Women's, Men's, and Children's Health, Heart Health, Stress Management, Immune Solutions, Nutrition for 7 vital organs, Personal Care/Outer Nutrition, and Energy and Fitness.  

Herbalife uses the highest research, development, and manufacturing, including the finest raw ingredients.  Herbalife's Nutritional Advisory Board participates in sponsored, innovative university research worldwide.  
A couple of great facts:
  • Herbalife is listed on the NYSE (new york stock exchange)
  • One of the members on Herbalife's Nutrition Advisory Board won a Nobel Peace Prize- Dr. Lou Ignarro
  • David Beckam (we all know who he is, lol) and his soccer team take the products and wear the Herbalife logo on their jersey's.  
  • Herbalife did over 4 billion in sales last year alone.
  • The company has existed for 30 years.

Herbalife's Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world.

Why I got started:
Thanks to Ben and Kacey, Tim and I actually receive the nutrition we want and need but never had time for in the past.  Now we both drink at least 1 shake a day, and I personally can tell a difference when I miss my Herbalife routine.  Since we really did LOVE the shakes and were taking them everyday, I thought, why don't I just sign up to be a distributor and get the automatic 25% discount!  So I did!  BUT being the business minded person that I am, I started looking into the business model.  I did all of my own research - through non Herbalife websites - and came to the conclusion that Herbalife's business model is ingenious.  I explained everything to my very skeptical husband, and here I am..with him on board!

Referring back to my billeted facts....Herbalife was able to sell over 4 billion worth of products last year and has been a strong company for 30 years because of it's products.  They work! ...and people love them.  Who doesn't want a healthier lifestyle made easy?

So... if you are interested in achieving your nutritional goals in a simply and very affordable way, you can email or call me.  I can help you set up a personalized plan to meet your objectives.  OR if you are interested in the business aspect of the company, I would be more than happy to give you a rundown of everything.  This post has only scratched the surface of what all Herbalife has to offer, so visit my website to learn more about the nutritional products.  

my e-mail address is haleigh.rice1@gmail.com if you prefer to e-mail me.  

I look forward to writing more soon!  We love you all!

Friday, July 1, 2011

it's a single mom weekend!

Well, Tim is off to Seattle for the wedding of our dear friend Peyton (he's the best man).  CONGRATULATIONS PEYTON AND APRIL! LOVE YOU GUYS!

We dropped daddy off at the airport at 2pm, and I have been working ever since (working to get her to take a nap!).  As I write, I don't hear her on the monitor anymore, so i'm crossing my fingers that she finally fell asleep.  It's 4:30pm by the way...she's a tough one!

But i'm determined to have a nice, easy-going weekend...that is after my home showing appointment tomorrow.  OH BOY, SHE'S STILL AWAKE! aaaaahhhhh!

Hopefully I can get this disaster area of a house in some type of livable order.

But cheers to a girls weekend!

p.s. we had another dr. appt today for Sophia, and her ct scan results came back negative!  our baby is healthy and happy.  Just hard-headed...now let's get her to sleep!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Paw and Sophia- Texarkana, May 2011

Daddy and Sophia- Daytona Beach, June 2011

Miss Priss with an oversized bow, haha
Daytona Beach- June 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally a quiet moment to blog (she's napping)

Hi blog world!  It's been way too long (i say that every time).  Tim and I have been extremely busy!  With our trips to Texas and Florida, then back home to real estate and an Arabic class at Georgetown, life never stands still!  And not to mention Sophia is developing and walking so fast that we can barely keep up!

Sophia updates:
She turned 1 on May 12!  Gosh, we have a 1 year old...crazy!

She's walking everywhere (for about 2 months now).  In to EVERYTHING!  I can't baby proof our house enough!  This kid always finds something to get in to, pull off of a shelf, or put in her mouth.

She talks (babbles) NON-STOP.  It's the cutest thing because she acts like she knows exactly what she is saying, but it just comes out as mumbles (except for a few words that we can make out).  She says cracker so clearly. She'll say thank you, every now and then, daddy, ma ma when i don't ask her to.  She repeats A LOT of things we say..or she tries to anyway. It's so funny.  Most of the things she tries to repeat starts out with a D sound, so everything sounds similar.

She loves being outside and will throw a fit when you bring her in..already!  Geez, we're in trouble.  And to touch on fits, she throws them when you tell her no, take her away from something she's not suppose to do, or if you do something she doesn't like.  OH BOY!  This doesn't fly very well in my house.  AND she has started to HIT.  my little hitter!  I don't even know how to handle it..i thought we would have this quiet, reserved child (like i was)..but she's quiet the opposite...loud, outgoing, STRONG-WILLED, and hard-headed.

BUT...she. is. HILARIOUS!!!  Tim and I laugh non stop at her.  We wonder where she comes up with all of her cute little bits.  I don't get it...she has the most hilarious personality already.  It's like she knows she a jokester!

Sophia still wakes up in the middle of the night, but she's so dang cute and funny, i don't even care! haha.  She had a CT scan last week, and we are still waiting on results.  But no news is good news, says the nurse.  Her pedi wanted this done mostly as a follow-up.  She had bleeding on her brain when she was born and coupled with her night-waking, her doctor wanted to do this as mostly precautionary.  But everything should be fine.

One last thing!  Tim and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary on June 11th...he surprised me with U2 concert tickets.....TWAS AMAZING!!!!!!  Bono is incredible!

I have another post coming soon about my new business venture!  Stay tuned, all (if anyone actually reads this, haha).

Ohh, and i will post pics of Sophia soon..i forgot to send them from my phone to cp.  

Friday, April 8, 2011

Time flies!

It's been a very fast 5 months since I have updated the blog.  Apologies to those who come to our blog dissapointed, :)

Most important developments over the past few months:

Sophia is almost 11 months old! April 12th to be exact.  She is hilarious and so much fun!  She is cruising around everywhere and standing on her own for a bit.  She hasn't had the guts to try and take a step, but I bet she could if she tried!

Tim got accepted into law school (University of Baltimore) and he also received the " Linguist of the Year for Department of the Army" award, which means out of the entire army!  He also got accepted into an accelerated Arabic program at Georgetown University this summer- 6 weeks long i believe.

I finally got my Real Estate License here in Maryland.  One week after I passed my exams, I signed with a Broker (1 mile from my house) as an Independent Contractor.  I'm loving it!

And we on the countdown to ending Tim's military career.  May 10 is his out-processing day.  We cannot wait!  After 6 years of service, it's his time!

Sophia will be turning 1 on May 12th, and we are having her party in Texarkana!  We are so excited to be able to celebrate her first birthday with all of our friends and family.

May 10 we fly to Texarkana for 3 weeks..Then to Florida to visit Ben, Kacey, and our new nephew, sweet little Maddox that was born yesterday, April 7th.

This summer is busy, busy, but we can't wait!  Bring on the heat!

Some of my favs that Mike and Jess took.  (thanks for the dress Aunt Jessica...and the fish shorts!) lol