Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

As usual, i'm so behind on posting.  My one and only new year's resolution is be be better about updating our blog.  It's not Feb. yet, so I think I'm doing alright, :).  

 This year for Christmas we decided to get a real tree for the first time (our previous fake tree was thrown away without my consent by my husband during our move to the city), but that's beside the point.  He practically begged for a fake tree, so I gave in.  My only condition was that I wanted a REALLY tall one, because our ceilings are super high (or so I thought).  

The night that Sophia and I returned from our trip to Texarkana (Dec. 11), we marched on down to the Christmas tree farm about 5 blocks away.  It was actually a random parking lot where they brought trees in to sell.  Tim insisted that he CARRY it home, which I thought was obviously insane.  So, I may or may not have picked the biggest one in the lot.  To my credit, they look smaller outside.  I scream laughed the entire walk home as Sophia and I followed!  BTW, Tim totally DRAGGED it across the street at the very end.  SEE BELOW:

I'm not sure if you can tell exactly how big it was from the pictures, but it was HUGE!  We re-lived Christmas Vacation during that outing.  It was hilarious.